Camberley Judo Club, Deer Rock Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 4EP


Camberley Judo Club Elite Schools

We teach before and after schools judo. We also deliver PE lessons during school hours. Our current schools we deliver at are-

South Camberley Junior School  on Thursday afternoons with Coach Nina Solley.

St Augustine’s School on Wednesday mornings with Coach Finlay Allan.

Lakside School on Monday afternoons with Coach Finlay Allan.

Wildridings School on Wednesday afternoons with Coach Reece Howard.

Crawley Ridge Infants 

Cove Junior School on Thursday afternoons with Coach Finlay Allan.

Southwood infants on Friday afternoons with Coach Sean Martell.

Alfred Sutton School Reading  on Tuesday afternoon with Coach Benjamin Caldwell and Sean Martel

Church Crookham Juniors on Monday afternoons with Coach Courtney Saunders and Coach Ben Fox-Kennedy.

Luckley House  on Wednesday morings with Coach Courtney Saunders and Coach Ben Fox-Kennedy.

Fernways school on Thursday afternoons with Coach Courtney Saunders and Coach Ben Fox-Kennedy.

North Farnborough Infants on Thursdays with coach Sophie Clarke.

Cordwalles  on Wednesday’s PE lessons and Thursday afternoons with Coach Nina Solley, Coach Finlay Allan and Coach Sam Walker.

If you would like judo offered at your school please email carlycamberleyjudoclub

Camberley Judo Club Elite Schools

We teach before and after schools judo. We also deliver PE lessons during school hours. Our current schools we deliver at are-

South Camberley Junior School  on Thursday afternoons with Coach Nina Solley.

St Augustine’s School on Wednesday mornings with Coach Finlay Allan.

Lakside School Minehurst on Monday afternoons with Coach Finlay Allan.

Wildridings School on Wednesday afternoons with Coach Reece Howard.

Crawley Ridge Infants on Tuesday afternoons with Sophie Clarke.

Cove Junior School on Thursday afternoons with Coach Sophie Clarke.

Southwood infants on Friday afternoons with Coach Sophie Clarke

Alfred Sutton School Reading  on Tuesday afternoon with Coach Samuel Walker

Church Crookham Juniors on Monday afternoons with Coach Courtney Saunders and Coach Ben Fox-Kennedy.

Luckley House  on Wednesday mornings with Coach Courtney Saunders and Coach Ben Fox-Kennedy.

Fernways school on Thursday afternoons with Coach Courtney Saunders and Coach Ben Fox-Kennedy.

North Farnborough Infants on Mondays  with coach Samuel Walker.

Cordwalles  on Thursday afternoons with Coach Sam Walker.

Hammond School on Thursday morning s with Coach Nina Solley.

If you would like judo offered at your school please email carlycamberleyjudoclub